
148 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Reminded of some movie...

Just about any movie. I saw some people walking the streets under the rain... lol, gotta love that crazy imagination of mine.

That is until the "banjo" or well guitar came in. Then i saw that Texan farmer going his little way working in the fields.

I really liked the piano in this piece and the brass was good to. Then when the guitar came in i didn't enjoy it as much. To my ears i wasn't so good with the piano at the same time. The little percussions add a nice touch to the song.

I'd really see this as another one of those "village" themes of yours.

You say you don't know what made you do this... well because it's a nice and relaxing track.

Nice work on this song. Nice to see you submitting again.

P.S. I read your reviews but i haven't answered them yet, and i'm not making music for a little while cause i can't come up with anything for the moment. See you later.

Grumbleduke responds:

Ah, you know not of the Cockney music of England. Look up "Chaz and Dave" and you'll understand more. It's not entirely accurate to the style, but it seemed that way to me. It's an unusual style, so naturally it went into the misc genre!

Pretty nice..

I fancy this melody alot... the strings with the "music box" instrument fits really nice together. Too short to my taste but i understand that experiments are for well... experimenting lol.

Keep at it, you have potential!

kec responds:

Thanks XD, I'll prolly lenghthen it and add more stuff.

It's not about the song...

I'm just giving you this review to tell you that i uploaded my profile so you can e-mail me anytime. I'm doing it this way instead of e-mailing you cause that would just be a waste of time...

You know like "hello what do you want to talk about, e-mail back" lol

i just think it'd be better if you e-mail me with your questions.

So check my profile.. and i'll be checking my e-mail.

rioross responds:

well thank you but, for future refrences i woul rather like it if you would talk about the song too.


I saw your pledge in the audio forums and also you left me a review so i'm reviewing back... it's the stores policy :)

Well you know, if you want reviews you have to continue what you have done with me, review alot of people in the hopes of them reviewing you back... but you need to actually make music in order not to get flammed or zero voted.

You should really download the demo of fruity loops (FL Studio it's called now). If you like it then go and buy the program... make some of your own music and then ask for reviews. I'm sure that there will be some good people out there to give you a hand on what to improve...

Don't think that i'm trying to get you mad or anything but i'm just telling it how i see it and i mean no offense at all...

Good luck to you and if you ever choose to make some music of your own then don't hesitate to drop me a line and i will gladly review your music :D

rioross responds:

fruity loops eh? sounds good. (pun not indended)
about that drop me a line thing, well im not exactly going to call you but, i will e-mail you.
i can relate to that no ofence stuff, see i also wright things that can be taken offensivly.
oh and i will keep up those reviews for ya!


You should really stick to making your own stuff. I mean reversed songs aren't that much fun.

The only reason why i'm reviewing this one is because i wanted to say this : Oh my god, even though the song is backwards, the main synth's melody sounds like it is not playing backwards at all... lol.

rioross responds:

ya, i have a few more reverses that i may or may not submit. your right, this song is amazing

Hey this is nice!

This is a good track, a little repetitive but good. The only thing i didn't like is the first sound that the song starts with. The rest is fine, the synths are nice.

I like how the song ended so sudden "in my face" kind of feeling. I think that the chorus doesn't have it's place in this track, i think maybe another instrument would do better.

Also i think that i hear some "static" or some "distortion" in a few places. That's all about checking your volume levels. If some instruments aren't heard loud enough you can always lower the other ones that way you eliminate the chances of "distortion".

All in all this is a good song. Keep it up!

zerofalse responds:

thanks soo for the tips seriously! i need them =) i think your right about the distorsion thing. i found that some of the instriuments sound like their collideing. yeahh, but in time ill get better as does everyone else that makes music. your really good urself. your songs rock! =) thanx for the review!!

Oh no :(

So i heard you were leaving... oh hello, this is the first time that i actually review your audio so it's normal that you don't know me...

I heard a couple of your songs and i also heard the collabs you did with MaestroSorrow.

I don't have enough musical knowledge to give you a proper review so all i'm going to say is that this is a beautiful masterpiece i am listening to right now...

I'm not going to ask where and why you are leaving... all i have to say is you will most definitely be missed here...

Wherever you may roam, wherever life takes you, i wish you the best of luck.

MilkMan-Dan responds:

First time or not... I'm greatly flattered that you took the time to listen to my work, and bid me farewell. I too wish you the best of luck... and thankyou... thankyou.

Well i didn't reveiw this one yet...

Mainly because i don't like FF9. But after listeneing to the original version and then to your version, i see that you did a great job on this song!

Again you cut the small intro part to make it loop nicely, the fx at the beginning is awesome. The choice of instruments is very nice and volume levels are good.

I don't have much to say about this piece except good work :)

Congrats on your platinum track and i am eager to hear your next piece.

Grumbleduke responds:

I wondered for a second what was going on there...
It shouldn't be too long before my next piece; I've enlisted the assistance of another AP member for this. He's a bit busy atm but it'll get there.

Sick sick sick sick sick!!!

This is truly a pure "awesome juice" filled loop!
Imagine the guy getting this on the menu screen saying "Holy crap if this is the menu then the game music is going to be kicking major ass!"

Quick question, what does the st stands for i have seen this in a couple of your song titles?

This song loops flawlessly, the little silence at the end is just the perfect lenght. I love the bass too!

Congrats again in getting in the weekly top 5.
5/5 from me man, can't wait until your next release.

You know that you are truly gifted when it comes to making music? I know it might not mean that much to you because it's coming from a noob like me so imagine it's someone that you really admire telling you that you are gifted :D

DavidOrr responds:

Haha thanks :).

The ST stands for SoundTrack, which is music that I make with a specific scenario from a game or movie in mind. The stuff that doesn't have ST I didn't indend to be in a movie or game.

I have a lot of other music that is going into a few games that are being developed (you may see them on the shelves or not, I'm not sure how they will be distributed). The ST stuff is basically music I designed and either put into the game project, or discarded here.

Most of the stuff I put in newgrounds is my reject stuff, but there are a few things I really like (such as this one).

Thanks for the great review and compliements!

David Orr

This rocks!

I love this loop! They could be synth but they sound like brass... anyways the background synth/brass sound great and the drums are very cool too.

This is a very catchy loop. As Glaisne mentioned in his review, this could also be a full track, and a damn good one. Although it is great as a loop and could be pretty useful in alot of situations in flash movies (menu screens or level cleared song or new power-up obtained) for exemple.

This gets my 5... again :)

SpamWarrior responds:

WINNER! ta mate, i still dont like it too much. Its cool that i managed to build a horn sound out of synths tho, one day i'll figure out how i did it :P.

Full tracks = :S ihjgaembebrttrbmhnd
Most of the music that occurs to me is progression of a loop taken to insanity, so i dont bother to write it, knowing that its not what i really want nor what anyone else wants either.

I'd love to work with someone who has an idea for it, mostly i'm tryin to work on different sounds and seeing what it possible.

Hi, i make music as a hobby. From time to time i should upload a song. The best way to support me is to buy my music on bandcamp, it would really make my day. Share your art, take care, see you later.


Montreal, Qc.

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