Well look at you...
You've become quite the mister popular. I see alot of gold and it ain't no fool's gold i can tell you that.
All the reviewing you are doing and all the hard work on your music is really paying off isn't it?
Well congratulations on all the good things that are and that will be coming your way.
Now onto the song. It's great XD You tricked me though, with the intro you had and with the title and the description i was expecting something with a little less beat.
At first i saw exactly what you had described "Standing around the dead, the moon, his only source of light, showing him the destruction" but then there was still more destruction to come because the final battle was about to begin - insert big story here -
The only thing that i didn't enjoy as much as the rest of the song is the snare drums. They seem to playing on a too high note. I hope you'll know what i mean. They sound kinda like claps and kinda like drums.
You sure are becoming something big out here on the AP, keep it up :D