You think that was cool... lol
Yea about that snare, maybe lower it's volume a bit, it would make it less annoying. The song is nice but it takes a little too much time to get to the point.
I think that your first section could have been maybe a third shorter. Becasue it lacks diversity and the same pad thingy plays all alone. If it would have more instruments then i wouldn't care for the lenght cause it would be diverse enough.
Heh you really seem to like big "Pow" noise, the one that ended the song. It's the same as the one in your "omni world" track. Just try and not make a habit of ending all your songs this way, even it is does sound nice. I don't know i jsust wouldn't to know when your songs end as soon as i hear the noise...
So except from that snare and a bit of a lack of diversity, i say that this is a pretty good song.
Four out of five from me.