
228 Audio Reviews

148 w/ Responses

Extremely nice!

This track is awesome! I love the secong half more than the first but everything is really good.

I only think that your first synth is a little too loud and it's overpowering the other instruments. The song was a bit repetitive but not too much, it's not that big a factor.

The first snare that you used, i think it should've only been used in the intro. Once the bass kicks in i think another more powerful snare drum would have been appropriate. I know that you use another snare for the drumroll, i'm talking about the other one.

And i would have let the outro go on longer, like some fade out that you did but only longer.

This song is really good, alot of energy emanating from it. Makes me think about Mega Man but just a bit, as the melody is a little inclined towards that style of music :)

Good luck in the contest and keep on making the awesome music. 5/5

Pretty good!

Like everyone said, the recording quality really hurts this piece alot. I'm not really fan of this kind of music but i can get passed that and judge it for what it is.

I really like the little solo in the middle you had there. I would have liked a little more diversity o the drums though. The voice is ok, i couldn't make out one word of what you were saying but that's ok :D

If this weren't so glitchy and had a normal/good recording quality, i'd say this piece deserves a 4/5.

darkkloud responds:

thanks, im woprking on redoing this piece, with better rcording quality.

This could be in a movie :D

You know like we see the kids at school doing their thigs and then the bell rings and they all run out of class. Their chatter about this and that. You know typical movie scene :) I don't know that just what came to mind.

You know you are really good at making "happy" music. This and others like "Village Harvest" are amazing work of yours.

I don't have anything to say about the piece as it is perfect to my ears.

Keep up the good work and i'll keep on listening :)

5/5 on this and the Dryads one, i forgot to write it in it's review.

Holy wow!

This is such a beautiful song. The first half of the melody reminds me of something i heard before... oh well.

I have to say that i really love the harp and the flute in this piece. Maybe add some little bird sound fx, but very low volume, soft little bird noises lol.

The only thing i would have changed is the ending. I would remove the little silence part before the final notes and have it chained with the rest of the song.

All in all it's and awesome piece and i wish you the best of luck for this month's contest :)

It's ok for a first.

Well this is good for a first submission. The only thing is that it is way too much repetitive. One thing that i think is crucial though, don't make all your instruments play the same melody. Have the bassline play one thing and then have the strings play something different. Then have the guitar play something else. It's ok/good to have some instruments play a few of the same notes at the same time, like they just connected and then go back their seperate ways.

I think that you should make your tracks a little shorter too, because you are new to this and i think that you should concentrate on creating a song instead of working on the song's lenght.

The ending is pretty weird, with the "crash" because there are no crash sounds anywhere else in the song you know you can put some like at every 8 or 16 bar or more frequently if you wish.

A little drum variation could be good, like you have your main pattern and then at the 4th bar put in some extra snares and hi hats just to keep things interesting.

But for what it is, a first song, it's pretty ok. You used alot of samples and you didn't just threw things randomly.

So keep at it, you will get much better with time and practice.

G9 responds:

Thanks man... the song is very repetitive, and I do agree with your point of the bassline playing different from the other tracks... the ending was kind of abrupt/weird, but I didn't know how else to end it. :P Thanks for the tips, I'll apply them to my next song.


Not another one...

Well, you have to do what you have to do. You and Milkman_Dan are 2 of the best out here on Ng, it's just a shame that it has to end but then again, all good things come to an end.

I have to say that i love the percussions in this track and the flute. I think the song kind of ended so suddenly. I mean right after the sleigh bell, i could have gone for another round :D

Ah man what else can i say, i hope you will get to read this one day. I just wanted to say thank you, honestly, thank you. Because of you and all the reviews that you gave me, it made me feel good about my music. It made me persevere and not give up. And today i can say that i have really improved because of you and others like you.

One day, i'm only dreaming here, one day i might become as good as you are right now and then i will say, "hey maestro come check my audio" XD

Seriously man, thanks again!

Hell yeah!!!

These are some good'ol memories of that old SNES game. Yeah the game sucked comapred to all the others. There were a few good songs like this one and the boss battles.

This is an excellent remake, did you get new samples or something? And what is going on with the awards thingy? You have to tell me all about it :D

Oh and could i request my favorite song from this game wich is the final battle of the game, i just like the song so much.

Fifen'd for great justice. See you later.

Grumbleduke responds:

I haven't had any new samples; I just went to town on a good song! I've used more synth tracks in this sing than any other though, even the FF9 Battle.

I'll keep people posted about the award I could be winning; I believe the actual AVN awards happen in January, so there's a long way to go my friend. Atm it's just a pre-nomination; it doesn't count for anything yet. I'm still hopeful though :).

Yes, the FInal Battle is also a good one; really catchy, just like this one. What a sucky final boss too; easy as Yu Yevon, done in the same way!

Pretty nice!

I see that you are improving on your music. Keep it up.

The only thing i'd change is the sample you used at the beginning, the one called "glitchy".

I have to agree with Zenon, this song could be a bit longer as i see a lot of room for "melody changes" and other tranformations.

But you are on the right track so don't stop now.
4 out of 5 from me, Super Drummer.

itsameyayo responds:

Thanks much!


This one is great as well...

but i prefered the other one. Mainly because of that little part where you have the pan flute or thing followed by the bells. That was my least favorite part of the song.

So tell me what's next after that? Are you going to make more VG remakes/remixes or are you going to go for a composition of your own?

I'd really like to see the second one happening.

Exellent song. And if nobody told you, welcome to newgrounds :)

Arbiter responds:

I'm not into remixes/remakes.
It's 100% original material, and so it will continue to be.
And I've been greeted already, but thanks :)

Best of Wishes; Christian S (Arbiter)

Superb is all i can say really.

The beat is solid and the instruments all sound pretty good. I think i recall renting that game once but it was so long ago that i don't remember any of it.

The only thing that i'd change in this piece is the long silence at the end. I think it could be a little bit shorter. The rest is simply fantastic.

There isn't really much more that i can say here except for good work, keep it up. And thanks for dropping by my page and leaving me a review.

Arbiter responds:

Actually, This isn't attached to the old RPG game, The first time I heard about it was from you now.
This IS my own work.

Anyways, Thanks for all your feedback.
Christian S (Arbiter)

Hi, i make music as a hobby. From time to time i should upload a song. The best way to support me is to buy my music on bandcamp, it would really make my day. Share your art, take care, see you later.


Montreal, Qc.

Joined on 5/12/04

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