Extremely nice!
This track is awesome! I love the secong half more than the first but everything is really good.
I only think that your first synth is a little too loud and it's overpowering the other instruments. The song was a bit repetitive but not too much, it's not that big a factor.
The first snare that you used, i think it should've only been used in the intro. Once the bass kicks in i think another more powerful snare drum would have been appropriate. I know that you use another snare for the drumroll, i'm talking about the other one.
And i would have let the outro go on longer, like some fade out that you did but only longer.
This song is really good, alot of energy emanating from it. Makes me think about Mega Man but just a bit, as the melody is a little inclined towards that style of music :)
Good luck in the contest and keep on making the awesome music. 5/5